Nathan Hale Rangers
1972 Memorials
If you can provide any missing obituaries,
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2005 Carol A. Adsit-Bozarth passed away on Jul 20, 2005. She worked as an Administrator for St. Francis Hospital. She is survived by her husband, father, a brother and sister and 4 grandchildren.
Rick Allsop
2016 Mike V. Arthur, of Collinsville, died Sunday, July 17, 2016 in Tulsa, after an extended illness. Mike proudly served his country in the United States Army. Before his ill health, he worked as an information system technician. Survivors include his wife, a son and daughter, 2 brothers and 2 grandchildren.
2015 Doug J. Balint passed away on Jan 13, 2015.
2008 Kurt A. Barksdale passed away on Jul 3, 2008. He served in the US Army from 1974 to 1977.
Jerry Beller
Charles Biggs
Jill Bohnsack crawford
1997 Sheryl D. Bolt born to Helen Weathers and Lee Allen Bolt November 15, 1954, passed from this earth October 29, 1997. Sheryl graduated from Nathan Hale high school in 1972, and later joined the Air Force where she served in Vietnam.
2013 Larry J. Booker passed away on Aug 27, 2013. He was an American Airlines maintenance worker.
1969 Matt F. Braden passed away on Oct 6, 1969. That morning, while in route to school, he was riding in a car that was struck from behind and pushed into oncoming traffic. The car was hit on the side that Matt was on, and he was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.
Richard Brashear
Lorraine Brown-Dunlap
Larry Butler
2015 Mary M. Cecil passed away on Feb 23, 2015. After high school, she graduated from the OU with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism. Mary was an avid reader, loved desserts and had a fuel for the written word. She is survived by her son and daughter, a brother and 2 sisters, and 3 granddaughters.
2015 R. Dennis Chambers passed away on Jun 14, 2015. After high school and college, he joined the US Air Force and Navy.
Lisa Kay Cheney
2008 Mark Chenoweth
Jason Chua
Pat Clark
Pam colley
Robert Barry Coon
Debra Copeland
Gary Coppock
James Costello
2003 Ronnie Crane
Steve Curry
2007 Janet Dahlstrom-Blackwood passed away on Sep 7, 2007 in Portland, OR. She was an artist and former Tulsa-area March of Dimes queen. At just 7 months old, she was stricken with acute paralytic polio. The disease left her a paraplegic. She went on to graduate from TU with a degree in art education. She remained active throughout her life. Her artwork was displayed throughout the Mulino, OR area. She is survived by her mother, her husband, 2 daughters and a son, and a sister.
2014 Sherri L. Davis-Roe passed away on Nov 3, 2014 in Tulsa.
John Duca
2012 Jane A Earl
2011 Lesa J. Edwards
Shari Elkins-Colonel passed away on Jul 14, 2014 in Oviedo, FL. She proudly graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in criminal justice. She will be remembered as a loyal and die-hard Miami Dolphins and Oklahoma Sooners fan, as well as for her love for animals. She is survived by her husband, 3 children, her mother and a sister.
Jon David Everley
James (Mitch) Felts
Curtis Fletcher
Annette Ford-Parker
2012 Mike Foresman
2014 Doris A. Fox-Shead passed away on Jul 30, 2014.